Secondary Transfer
The academic year may have just started but, for parents of children in year 6, it is already time to start thinking about choosing a secondary school for your child.
It might also be a good thing for parents of year 5 children to attend some of the open evenings/days at local secondary schools.
. All applications (regardless of borough) are now done via the eadmissions website:
When completing the application you will need to include details of siblings, your council tax reference number, email address etc. If your child has special needs or is adopted, you MUST include this information on the application as they will be high priority. You have the option to select up to 6 schools (if you live in Brent, you can include schools in neighbouring boroughs on the same application). It is important to put down at least 3 schools to ensure you get a place. You can apply for faith schools via the eadmissions site but they all require you to complete an additional form (generally collected from the school). Your application will not be considered unless you complete both the eadmissions and the additional form.
Each borough has a lot of helpful information regarding the application process on their websites. You can also look up how places were allocated during the last round of applications. All schools will also organise open evenings/days. This year, some of these may be virtual but it is a good idea to attend these if you can.
Brent Schools Information
Westminster Schools Information
Kensington & Chelsea Schools Information